CancerMitr Blog

Category: Interview


High Prevalence of Oral Health Issues Amongst Youngsters Is A Concern: Dr. Heeba Wasque Ali Speaks To CancerMitr

Oral health plays a pivotal role in maintaining overall physical, physiological, and emotional well-being. It significantly contributes to an individual’s personality, with oral hygiene accounting for approximately 90% of body odour, reflecting self-esteem and the robustness of the immune system. Remarkably, optimal oral health can prevent the onset of numerous non-communicable diseases, including 40% of cancers.

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Colorectal cancer 90% curable rate if detected early: Dr Chintamani Godbole

Colorectal cancer is a commonly reported cancer worldwide. Though the incidence rate is low in India when compared to overseas, the number of cases has witnessed an increase over the past few decades. To learn about colorectal cancer, the CancerMitr team conversed with oncosurgeon Dr Chintamani Godbole.

In the following discussion, we will discuss more about colorectal cancer – from the challenges posed by the elusive early symptoms to the nuances of surgical interventions.

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