CancerMitr Blog

Category: Cancer Type

Breast Cancer

Triple Positive Breast Cancer: What You Need To Know – CancerMitr

Hollywood actress Jenna Fischer, best known for her Emmy-nominated role as Pam Beesly on ‘The Office,’ recently opened up about her diagnosis of triple-positive breast cancer. The actress took to Instagram to share her journey, explaining that she underwent both a mammogram and a sonomammogram after noticing something unusual in her breast. A subsequent biopsy and additional tests confirmed the presence of triple-positive breast cancer. She underwent a lumpectomy, followed by several rounds of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and is now cancer-free. To learn more about breast cancer diagnosis, bookmark this article.

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Cancer Type

A Comprehensive Guide to Liver Cancer – CancerMitr

Liver cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. According to a research paper published in 2018, liver cancer is the sixth most commonly reported cancer in the world and also the fourth leading cause of all cancer-related deaths. The highest number of liver cancer cases, notably hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), occur in East Asian and African countries. However, India has reported less liver cancer when compared to most of the other cases, with male to female ratio being 4:1. Why is liver cancer considered the deadliest cancer in the world?

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Breast Cancer

7 Symptoms Of Cancer You Should Never Ignore – CancerMitr

Chances are, you’ve heard the saying, ‘early detection saves lives’—and when it comes to cancer, it couldn’t be more true. But how do you catch a silent threat before it strikes? The key is knowing the warning signs that could mean cancer or another serious condition.
Bookmark this article to learn more crucial symptoms you need to watch out for and empower yourself with the knowledge that could make all the difference.

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Breast Cancer

Celebrating Cancer Survivors at the 2024 Olympics: Stories of Courage and Triumph

A vaccination involves introducing weakened or dead microorganisms into the human body, prompting the immune system to respond. Normally, we rely on our immune system to protect us from invading organisms unless the organism is particularly strong or our immune system is weakened. But what happens when our own body cells turn against us? Can the immune system still protect us, and is it possible to develop cancer vaccines? Read on to learn more.

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Cancer Type

A Comprehensive Guide to Uterine Cancer – CancerMitr

Gynae cancers represent 32% of all reported cancers in India. While uterine cancer, or cancer of the womb, is less prevalent compared to other gynae cancers, the numbers have been on the rise as of 2022. According to the latest estimates by the World Health Organisation (WHO), over 35 million new cancer cases are predicted in 2050, marking a 77% increase from the estimated 20 million cases in 2022. Uterine cancer is a cause of concern because the condition tends to cause infertility. Can uterine cancer cause infertility? How can it be managed?

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Breast Cancer

Interesting Facts About Cancer That’ll Blow Your Mind

Cancer is a word that reverberates through our lives, often accompanied by a flurry of emotions and curiosity. We encounter it in news articles detailing groundbreaking scientific advancements, inspiring survivor stories, and sobering statistics. Many of us have a family member or friend who has faced this formidable disease, making it a deeply personal topic for a lot of people. But what exactly is cancer, and what does the term truly signify?

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Breast Cancer

Cancer Vaccines: What You Need To Know

A vaccination involves introducing weakened or dead microorganisms into the human body, prompting the immune system to respond. Normally, we rely on our immune system to protect us from invading organisms unless the organism is particularly strong or our immune system is weakened. But what happens when our own body cells turn against us? Can the immune system still protect us, and is it possible to develop cancer vaccines? Read on to learn more.

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Breast Cancer

Kissing Disease and its Link to Cancer

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a type of herpes virus called herpes 4 virus that spreads through saliva and other body fluids. It causes a disease named mononucleosis in humans, also known as the kissing disease. It is because it is culturally regarded as notorious for spreading through lip kissing.
Although it spreads primarily through saliva, sharing drinks and utensils or being in close contact with someone infected can also spread the virus.

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Cancer Type

A Comprehensive Guide to Cervical Cancer – CancerMitr

The Indian Union government announced free HPV vaccines for children between 9-14 years of age to prevent the emergence of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is a disease that torments a lot of women around the world. It is the third most reported cancer in India and the second most reported cancer amongst women. According to a research paper published in PubMed Central, a lack of awareness and poor to moderate living standards are responsible for the prevalence of cervical cancer. Another study based on The GLOBOCAN 2020, which came out in 2022, reported that India has the highest number of cervical cancer cases in Asia. Keep reading to learn about this deadly disease and how it can be managed effectively.

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Breast Cancer

Essential Insights into Biopsies: What You Need to Know – CancerMitr

Accurate diagnosis of tumours involves various diagnostic methods and crucially depends on biopsies. It is also the source of relief and peace of mind for the patient because it confirms malignancy. Often times those tumours that may appear to be malignant, may just be another benign tumour. Similarly, there are benign tumours that can become malignant in the future, called precancerous tumours. The role of biopsies is vital, not only in identifying malignancies but also in guiding personalized treatment plans and monitoring treatment effectiveness.

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